Kerusakan Pohon Merawan (Hopea Odorata Roxb.)
Oleh Serangga Penggerek Batang Di Kampus Ipb
Darmaga Bogor
1*Noor Farikhah Haneda, 1Endang Ahmad Husaeni, 2Mulya Furqan
Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB,2Alumni Departemen Silvikultur Kehutanan
H. odorata plants located in
the south of Sylva Pertamina Auditorium at the Faculty of Forestry IPB Darmaga
suffered a heavy attack by stem borer. The existence of these attacks resulted
in defoliation of trees and one of them was death. The insect species attacking
the H. odorata is not identified. In addition, the form and severity of damage
is still to be studied.
This study was conducted to
observe the form of damage to the stems and stands of trees H. odorata. The number of boring hole was
counted, according to the height of the tree above the ground. The length of
boring tunnels was also measured and the pattern was also observed.
The stem
borer founded belong to the order Coleoptera, they are Xyleborus perforans (Scolytidae),
Xyleborinus perexiguus (Scolytidae), Platypus parallelus (Platypodidae),
Belionota prasina (Buprestidae), Curculionidae beetle and Tenebrionidae beetle.
The number of boring holes was 1932 holes
with an average of 188 holes per meter of the stem. The tunnels length at a cross section ranging from 2 - 35 cm and 4 - 6
cm at longitudinal section. The number of boring hole decrease with
increasing tree height. 98,6% of tunnels are founded caused by the ambrosia
beetles are X. perexiguus (457 holes; 23,7%), X. perforans (1426 holes; 73,8%),
P. parallelus (21 holes; 1,1%). The rest is
caused by the Curculionidae beetle (25 holes; 1,3%) and Tenebrionidae beetle (3
holes; 0,1%). Tunnels on a cross section are ramification tunnels (X.
perforans; P. parallelus), there is also around the stem (X. perforans), and
several tunnels have black spots along its walls (X. perexiguus; X. perforans;
P. parallelus).
stem borer, Coleoptera, H. Odorata
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