Skrining Jamur
Lignoselulolitik Asal
Hutan Tropika Indonesia
Fajar Harisma1, Cecep Kusmana1,
Irnayuli R. Sitepu2
1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB
Mikrobiologi Hutan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
Lignoselulose is a
main component of plant, which is
selulose, hemiselulose, lignin and other extractif substance. One of biomass
lignoselulose benefit is bioethanol production. Bioethanol is an alcohol
compound that achieve from biomass fermentation process with microorganism
assist. One of microorganism that can use for ethanol production is fungi. This
research aim to studying morfology of fungi that origin from tropical forest of
Indonesia, studying the most potential fungi in degradated lignin and selulose at manure media and
determine the most potential fungi in degradated selulose at Carboxy Methyl
Cellulose (CMC). This research divide in several stages, that is a first stage
is prepare 40 fungi isolate at Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media, second stage
is selected fungi at manure media, third stage is selected fungi at CMC media
as in vitro. Based from research, it result four fungi isolate that potential to degradated selulose at
manure substrate media, that is fungi isolat FORDA CC-467, FORDA CC-468, FORDA
CC-469, and FORDA CC-470. From lignin analyse result 11 isolate that potential
to degradated lignin and manure substrate, that is FORDA CC-474, FORDA CC-475,
CC-481, FORDA CC-482, FORDA CC-483, and FORDA CC-484. AT CMC media, 33 isolate
can degradated selulose that showed with transparent zone creation. From 33
isolate result seven isolate that have distance between micelia and transparent
zone, it shows that fungi isolate is the most optimal isolate in created
selulase enzim.
Kata kunci: biomassa, CMC, jamur, lignoselulolitik, skrining.
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