Thursday, December 2, 2010

More Vitamin D Could Prevent Some Psychosis

Scientific American News

Could some cases of schizophrenia boil down to something as simple as vitamin D deficiency? The idea was first put forth more than a decade ago by schizophrenia researcher John McGrath of the University of Queensland in Australia. The circumstantial evidence fit: people born in winter or spring or at high latitudes are at slightly increased risk of developing schizophrenia, and vitamin D deficiency is also more common in winter months and at high latitudes because of lack of sunlight. It may be that a deficit of vitamin D leaves expecting mothers more vulnerable to illnesses such as influenza, which could in turn sensitize the maturing brain to stress-related damage later in life. [For more on how prenatal infections can lead to mental illness, see “Infected with Insanity,” by Melinda Wenner; Scientific American Mind, April/May 2008.]

Now McGrath and his colleagues have put the hypothesis to the test. They analyzed blood samples taken from 424 Danish newborns who went on to develop schizophrenia as well as an equal number of babies who never acquired the disease. In each sample, they measured the amount of the chemical 25OHD, which the body converts into vitamin D. The researchers found that infants who had low levels of 25OHD in their blood—and therefore mothers who were deficient in vitamin D while they were pregnant—were at a higher risk of developing schizophrenia when they grew up.

The result, published in the September issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, could be especially interesting for communities of black immigrants living in northern countries. Researchers have found a striking increase in schizo­phrenia risk for the children of dark-skinned migrants living at high latitudes—a finding neatly explained if vitamin D plays a role, because dark skin blocks ultraviolet B radiation, the component of sunlight necessary for the body to synthesize vitamin D.

There are some loose ends to tie up, however, before recommending vitamin D supplements for at-risk mothers. The group found that infants with high levels of 25OHD were also at increased schizophrenia risk. McGrath speculates that these infants might have been relatively inca­pable of generating vitamin D, leading to a buildup of the precursor in their blood—but more research is necessary to say for sure. All told, 44 percent of the schizo­phrenia cases in the study were attributable to either low or high vitamin D levels. “Even if vitamin D supplements can prevent only a small fraction of schizophrenia,” McGrath says, “it will be a fantastic outcome.”

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Mokhammad Rifa'i, S.Hut; Rifa' Atunnisa, S.Hut; Emma Pratiwi, S.Hut; Fiona Christina 
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa-Penelitian (PKMP)
Silviculture Department, Bogor Agriculture University,2009


Indonesia banyak memiliki lahan marginal yang cukup luas dengan kadar kemasaman yang tinggi sehingga kurang baik bagi tanaman. Salah satu mikroorganisme yang dapat membantu adalah mikoriza. Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) adalah fungi yang bersimbiosis dengan akar tumbuhan. Simbiosis ini mempunyai peran penting dalam pengambilan unsur hara tanah, terutama fosfat, sehingga pertumbuhan tanaman dapat diperbaiki.
Eucalyptus pellita banyak dikembangkan untuk Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) pada lahan marginal. Penggunaan FMA dapat membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kualitas bibit di persemaian, dan meningkatkan daya hidup di lapangan. Dalam rangka lebih meningkatkan kinerja FMA, maka eksplorasi bakteri (MHBs) yang bersimbiosis dengan spora FMA perlu dilakukan. MHBs ini selanjutnya diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas inokulum FMA.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap 2 faktorial, yaitu faktor mikoriza sebanyak 4 taraf dan faktor bakteri sebanyak 5 taraf. Dilakukan 5 kali ulangan pada masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis sidik ragam terhadap parameter pertumbuhan tanaman E.pellita, perlakuan mikoriza memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan sedangkan perlakuan tunggal bakteri tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan yang meliputi tinggi, diameter, biomassa, infeksi FMA terhadap akar, dan indeks mutu bibit. Perlakuan kombinasi mikoriza dan bakteri berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter tinggi dan infeksi mikoriza. Perlakuan FMA dengan BGi 4 memberikan nilai rata-rata pertambahan tinggi terbaik yaitu meningkat 83.12% dibandingkan dengan kontrol.
            Didapatkan satu isolat MHBs yaitu BGi 4 yang mampu bekerja secara simultan dengan Glomus sp. BGi 4 yang secara spesifik bekerja pada Glomus sp. meningkatkan persentase infeksi akar, tetapi menurunkan persentase infeksi akar jika digabungkan dengan Gigaspora sp.

Kata kunci : Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA), Eucalyptus pellita, Mychorrizal Helper Bacteria (MHBs), Lahan Marginal.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Beware For Deforestation Effects

Deforestation gives a bad effect on the world climate and temperature change in the world. There are natural and anthropogenic factors can cause deforentation. Natural factors that can cause changes in forests over time including insects, forest fires, diseases, weather, competition between species, etc. Anthropogenic factors that can disturb forests include logging beyond a tolerable limit, urban sprawl, human-caused forest fires, invasive species with exsotic species, and the slash-burn practices of shifting cultivation. However, the loss and re-growth of forest leads to a distinction between two types of forest; primary or old-growth forest and secondary forest. 

Actually, forest includes in renuwable resources which is can be sustainable if there is well management of forest product. On the other side, the way to manage forest product did not follow what supposed to do. Nowdays, it is difficult finding forest-primary because of human activity which is not care and respect to our forest. Illegal logging becomes serious problem as time goes on. It needs serious handling because it gets in touch with crime. The rising of human necessities influence land-changing alterations. Forest plantations, coconut palm plantations, and mining activity in protection forest area become main affect of sustainable forest. Forest plantation, generally intended for the production of pulpwood and timber that increase the total area of forest worldwide. Actually, high-heterogeneous forest better than mono-specific condition or homogeneous which is heterogeneity influence the stabilization of forest. Most of people burn the forest to do land-clearing activity. However, it will be danger to our environment because of the smoke that contains damage gases. There are many mining activities in protection forest area that suppose forbidden for exploration activity.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Amazing of Tears

"Aku Haramkan Neraka Kepada Mata yang Selalu mengangis Karena Takut Kepada Allah"
(HR Ahmad dan an Nasa'i)

Mengangis merupakan sifat yang menjadi pembeda antara manusia dengan makluk lain. Banyak arti dibalik air mata yang keluar melalui kelopak mata kita. Menangis tidak hanya berkaitan dengan perasaan sedih saja melainkan juga dapat sebagai penanda kebahagiaan. Manangis adalah sifat alami yang Allah anugrahkan secara fitri kepada manusia. Ia adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak fenomena kejiwaan manusia. Dan sekarang sudah banyak diketahui beberapa faedah secara kesehatan manusia.

Berdasarkan buku dahsyatnya menangis karya Hasan bin Muhammad Ba Mu'aibid disebutkan bahwa banyak faedah dari segi kesehatan yang baik digunakan sebagai terapi kesehatan diantaranya adalah:
  1. Menangis merupakan cara alami untuk membuang unsur-unsur membahayakan dari tubuh manusia. Unsur-unsur ini diproduksi oleh tubuh saat manusia sedang mengalami keputusasaan dan ketakutan
  2. Otak bekerja mengeluarkan unsur-unsur kimia yang terdapat pada air mata yang menjadi tempat bersarangnya rasa sakit
  3. Menangis dapat menambah jumlah detak jantung dan dianggap sebagai sebuah latihan yang sangat berguna bagi sekat ronda badan, urat-urat dada dan kedua bahu. Setelah menangis, kecepatan detak jantung kembali ke asalnya semula. Hingga akan muncul perasaan tenang dan rileks
  4. Kajian yang dilakukan Dr. William Frey pada pusat penelitian mata dan air mata di Sant Pholl Rams Medical Centre menegaskan bahwa mengangis sangat berguna bagi kesehatan jiwa dan emosi kita  
  5. Para ilmuan telah melalukan penelitian terhadap air mata dan menemukan bahwa air mata mengandung 25% protein dan satu bagian dari zat besi, terutama magnesium, ini merupakan unsur racun yang bisa terbebas dari manusia saat ia menangis
  6. Air mata juga bekerja menjernihkan kornea mata dan memeliharanya dari kekeringan, ini merupakan faktor yang bisa membentu jelasnya penglihatan serta kuat dan tajamnya daya penglihatan

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cerdas, Bijak, Strategis Sikapi REDD

Berangkat dari komitmen bersama mengenai pembahasan mengenai perubahan iklim kelas dunia "Protokol Kyoto" yang dilaksanaakan tahun 1997 lalu di Kyoto Jepang,  meminta para negara maju yang dikatagorikan sebagai negara Annex 1 agar mengurangi emisi gas buang sebesar 5 persen dari level emisi tahun 1990. Selama kurun waktu yang berdekade ini evolusi industri dinegara maju secara telak menghasilkan gas buang yang kini semakin hari semakin dirasakan dampak buruknya terhadap lingkungan. Pertemuan ini menerangkan lebih lanjut mengenai kewajiban menunkan emisi gas buang  diberi rentang waktu selama periode 2008-2012. Hingga sekarang kesepakan itu belumlah tercapai targetnya.

Pertemuan pembahasan mengenai perubahan iklim ini tidak berhenti sampai disitu saja melainkan baru-baru ini telah terjadi pertemuan lanjutan membahas strategi dari hasil pertemuan ikim Kopenhagen, yaitu di Tianjin, China (Oktober 2010). Pada pertemuan Tianjin ini pun belum ditemukannya mekanisme yang tepat bagaimana cara menurunkan suhu global. Alih-alih dari kesepakan Protokol Kyoto yang menekan para negara maju ini untuk mengurangi emisi gas buangnya atau sering kita menyebut mitigasi, terjadi perkembangan pemikiran adanya kerjasanma antar negara maju dengan negara berkembang dengan dalih sebagian besar negara berkembang masih mempunyai luasan hutan yang besar dan dalam katagori perekonomian yang berkembang, agar melestarikan hutan sebagai bentuk kompensasi kewajiban mitigasi. Kerjasama ini kini diimplementasikan sebagai mekanisme REDD (Reducing Emisions from Deforestation and Land degradation). Mekanisme ini menawarkan kompensasi uang kepada negara berkembang dengan timbal balik melindungi hutan tropis yang vital.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wariskan Anak Cucu Kita Mata Air Jangan Air Mata!!

Banjir, longsor, cuaca ekstrim dan lain lain merupakan bagian kecil dari dampak yang kita rasakan bersama akibat hutan kita yang rusak. Sadar atau tidak sadar hutan adalah sumber daya alam anugrah dari tuhan yang sepatutnya kita jaga tapi karena ulah manusia yang terlalu "tamak", sekarang menjadi berkurang jumlahnya bahkan mungkin suatu ketika nanti keberadaan fungsi hutan yang begitu penting ini tidak lagi kita rasakan.

Teringat wejangan seorang dosen saya ketika pertama kali mengikuti orientasi mahasiswa pertama di Institut Pertanian Bogor "Wariskan Anak Cucu Kita Mata Air Jangan Air Mata". Bagi saya ini merupakan cambuk sekaligus tamparan bagi kita bahwa apa yang kita lakukan sekarang baik langsung ataupun tidak langsung telah membahayakan generasi yang akan datang. Manajemen pengelolaan yang kurang bijak dalam menyikapi sumber daya alam ini hendaknya mulai ditata lagi. Data di departemen kehutanan menyebutkan bahwa luasan hutan yang dirambah akibat pemukiman mencapai 34.005,46 ha, dan kehilangan 14.787 batang yang dinilai sebagai kerusakan di hutan kita. Sehingga tidak mengherankan ketika musim penghujan banyakny berita menyebutkan peristiwa erosi, banjir bandang dan ekstrimnya, di musim kemarau banyak daerah yang mengalami kekeringan. Hutan ini tidak lagi bisa melaksanakan fungsin sebagaimana mestinya disaat musim hujan akar-akar pepohonan tidak bisa menyimpannya sebagai cadangan air yang pada saat musim kering dikeluarkannya melalui mata air sebagai air cadangan tanah.

Wahai insan manusia yang dikatakan sebagai khalifah dimuka bumi ini, manusia yang memiliki hati dan akal bayangkan ketika kelak di akhirat nanti generasi kita menuntut kita atas apa yang kita lakukan sekarang sehingga mereka 'Menangis!! pada saatnya nanti kehausan bahkan tak lagi dapat menghirup udara segar. Berkontribusilah kita dalam upaya penyelamatan hutan meski dengan hanya menghemat kertas misalnya atau hanya dengan bibit tanaman yang kita tanam dipekarangan rumah. Hal kecil ini akan menjadi besar bila dilakukan bersama-sama. Saya yakin sesuatu tidak ada kata terlambat jika kita memulainya dari sekarang. Marilah KITA WARISKAN MATA AIR UNTUK ANAK CUCU KITA!!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Using Florida Keys Reference Sites As a Standard for Restoration of Forest Structure in Everglades Tree Islands

Michael S. Ross,1,2 Danielle E. Ogurcak,2 Jay P. Sah,1 and Pablo L. Ruiz1
1Southeast Environmental Research Center, Florida International University, Miami, FL  33199, USA
2Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, FL  33199, USA

In south Florida, tropical hardwood forests (hammocks) occur in Everglades tree islands and as more extensive forests in coastal settings in the nearby Florida Keys. Keys hammocks have been less disturbed by humans, and many qualify as “old-growth,” while Everglades hammocks have received much heavier use. With improvement of tree island condition an important element in Everglades restoration efforts, we examined stand structure in 23 Keys hammocks and 69 Everglades tree islands. Based on Stand Density Index and tree diameter distributions, many Everglades hammocks were characterized by low stocking and under-representation in the smaller size classes. In contrast, most Keys forests had the dense canopies and open understories usually associated with old-growth hardwood hammocks. Subject to the same caveats that apply to off-site references elsewhere, structural information from mature Keys hammocks can be helpful in planning and implementing forest restoration in Everglades tree islands. In many of these islands, such restoration might involve supplementing tree stocking by planting native trees to produce more complete site utilization and a more open understory.

1. Introduction 
The best developed tree islands in the Florida Everglades play many roles in the landscape: as forest refugia for wide-ranging animals and tropical hardwoods; as raised features that focus surface water flow into deeper channels; as habitat for rare ferns, epiphytes, and other shade-loving plants; as seed sources for the establishment of new islands; as carbon sinks; as attractants and sinks for nutrients, especially phosphorus, whose deficiency characterizes the surrounding marsh ecosystems [1, 2].  Having served for centuries as oases for humans as well as animals that passed through the vast and inhospitable wetland [3], their structure today carries a long legacy of human use.  At the same time, natural disturbance agents play a continuing role in shaping stand structure.  Their disturbance regime includes infrequent wildfires, which may kill aboveground vegetation and consume organic soils, and more frequent tropical storms and hurricanes, which topple and severely prune the exposed emergent trees in the forest canopy [4].  In many cases, the complex interaction of human and natural disturbance agents has led to open, slow-to-recover canopies that encourage the encroachment of widely dispersed vines, weedy herbs, and nonnative trees and shrubs, and may interfere with tree island function in the landscape. With tree island condition an important concern of recent efforts to restore full ecological function to the Everglades, embodied in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan [5], the ability to assess stand structure and its effects on other functions of these poorly understood forests is sorely needed. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Applying Hotspot Detection Methods in Forestry: A Case Study of Chestnut Oak Regeneration

Songlin Fei
Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky,  204 T.P. Cooper Bldg., Lexington, KY 40546-0073, USA

Hotspot detection has been widely adopted in health sciences for disease surveillance, but rarely in natural resource disciplines. In this paper, two spatial scan statistics (SaTScan and ClusterSeer) and a nonspatial classification and regression trees method were evaluated as techniques for identifying chestnut oak (Quercus Montana) regeneration hotspots among 50 mixed-oak stands in the central Appalachian region of the eastern United States. Hotspots defined by the three methods had a moderate level of conformity and revealed similar chestnut oak regeneration site affinity. Chestnut oak regeneration hotspots were positively associated with the abundance of chestnut oak trees in the overstory and a moderate cover of heather species (Vaccinium and Gaylussacia spp.) but were negatively associated with the abundance of hayscented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula) and mountain laurel (Kalmia latiforia). In general, hotspot detection is a viable tool for assisting natural resource managers with identifying areas possessing significantly high or low tree regeneration.

1. Introduction
A hotspot can mean an unusual phenomenon, anomaly, aberration, outbreak, elevated cluster, or critical area [1].  Spatial scan statistics have been widely adopted in health sciences in detecting hotspots for disease surveillance [2], and they also have wide application in critical issues, such as homeland security, public health, and disaster management.  Identifying hotspots can provide early warning of disease outbreaks or other emerging issues.  With innovative modifications, hotspot analysis can be used in any field [1].  Yet, applications of hotspot detection methods in forestry and other natural resource related disciplines are rare.  By identifying areas with unusual high (hotspot) or low (cold-spot) measures of interested issues or events, natural resource managers can allocate limited resources to those areas that desire more attention.  In this study, oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration was used to illustrate the feasibility of applying hotspot detection methods in forestry.

Oak regeneration is one of the critical issues in forest health throughout eastern North America.  Oaks are the most prevalent forest species in the eastern deciduous forests.  However, as a common problem throughout eastern North America, natural regeneration of oaks is often difficult to obtain [3].  The reasons for the lack of oak regeneration presumably involve large-scale, exogenous, and unprecedented factors such as new disturbance regimes, fire suppression, invasion of exotic species, climate change, and/or modern wildlife and forest management practices [4].  The precise causes are unclear and likely include a complex interaction of factors.  Decline in oak can cause detrimental effects both economically and ecologically because oaks are the major timber species in the eastern U.S. and their seeds are a key part of the diet for many vertebrate species. The increasing interest in hardwood regeneration, particularly in mixed-oak stands, has underscored the importance of understanding the relationship between the abundance of tree seedling and site conditions.  Knowledge of the relationships between regeneration abundance and biotic and abiotic factors can help resource managers to maintain a healthy, diverse, and compositionally stable forest ecosystem.  Similar to health related surveillances that identify areas with abnormally high rates of disease, hotspot detection may help natural resource managers locate areas with high or low abundance of oak regeneration.  

Carbon Flux of Down Woody Materials in Forests of the North Central United States

C. W. Woodall
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Saint Paul, MN 55108, USA

Across large scales, the carbon (C) flux of down woody material (DWM) detrital pools has largely been simulated based on forest stand attributes (e.g., stand age and forest type). The annual change in forest DWM C stocks and other attributes (e.g., size and decay class changes) was assessed using a forest inventory in the north central United States to provide an empirical assessment of strategic-scale DWM C flux. Using DWM inventory data from the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis program, DWM C stocks were found to be relatively static across the study region with an annual flux rate not statistically different from zero. Mean C flux rates across the study area were −0.25, −0.12, −0.01, and −0.04 (Mg/ha/yr) for standing live trees, standing dead trees, coarse woody debris, and fine woody debris, respectively. Flux rates varied in their both magnitude and status (emission/sequestration) by forest types, latitude, and DWM component size. Given the complex dynamics of DWM C flux, early implementation of inventory remeasurement, and relatively low sample size, numerous future research directions are suggested.

1. Introduction

For the purposes of this study, down woody materials (DWMs) are defined as detrital components of forest ecosystems comprising fine and coarse woody debris.  Coarse woody debris (CWD) are pieces, or portion of pieces, of down dead wood with a minimum small-end diameter of at least 7.62 cm inches at the point of intersection with a sampling transect and a length of at least 0.91 m.  CWD pieces must be detached from a bole and/or not be self-supported by a root system with a lean angle more than 45 degrees from vertical [1].  Fine woody debris (FWD) are pieces, or portion of pieces, of down woody with a diameter less than 7.62 cm inches at the point of intersection with a sampling transect excluding dead branches attached to standing trees, dead foliage, bark fragments, or cubicle rot. 

Monday, October 4, 2010


The policy shareholsers No. 40 in 2007 chapter 74, is a fundamental to manage a company not only business oriented to get maximize results, but acompany obligate give benefit to other stakeholders include citizen in this case. It means that a company has to do cosial responsibility. Corporate exixtance can influence many sides in social living, and globaly can increase economic development in globalisation era. Economic activity have relation with other activity. Corporate existance in economic activity give a huge partisipation to increase economic development, increasing human resources and so on. From a concept of eksternality, a compeny not only give a positive effect but can give negative effect for other activities. This is a problem in the end of decade, whwn a resources didn’t manage with a sustainable system, so that can destroy ecologycal balance.

Corporate social responsibility can also called a corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, and responsible business is a concept whwn an organization consider the interest of society bay taking respbsibility for the impact of their activies on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholder, as well as the environment. This oblogation is seen to extant beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation and sees organization voluntarily to improve the quality of life for employees and their families as well as local community and society large. And now the practise of CSR in economic level, there are much debate and critism. Proponants perspective broader and longer than own immediate, short term profit. For critics argue that CSR distrats from the fundamental economic role business, that a corporate principal purpose is to maximize return to its shareholders while obeying the laws of the countries within which it works can less capital. Development business ethics is a form of the art of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problem that can arise in business environment. In sustainable development there are triple bottom lines that are economic, ecology, and social.

Utilization of Rhizoplane and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) to Promote The Early Growth of Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla Miq. Steenis.)

Pemanfaatan Bakteri Rhizoplane dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Semai Jelutung
(Dyera polyphylla Miq. Steenis.)

Rifa’ Atunnisa (E44050982)1, Dr. Ir. Irdika Mansur, M. For. Sc2, Dr. Irnayuli R. Sitepu, SP. MCP3

Abstract Nontimber forest products (NTFPs) represent sources of income from tropical forest, but some NTFP species have decreased in population and become endangered due to overexploitation. There is increasing concern that the planting stock of Dyera polyphylla is not sufficient to sustain the yield of NFTPs. The beneficial root colonizing rhizosphere bacteria, the so-called plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria have been known to carry out many important ecosystem processes, such as those involved in the nutrient cycling and/or seedling establishment. The roots of most plant species associate with certain soil fungi and establish what are known as mycorrhiza. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two arbuscular miycorrhizal (AMF) fungi, Glomus sp., Gigaspora sp. and thirteen strains of rhizoplane bacteria (CK32, FL.13.2.1, JW1, JW6, JW9, JW13, JW14, CK26, CK4, JW3a, SB, NT, CR.R1), on the early growth of D. polyphylla, under greenhouse condition. Percentage of AMF colonization, plant growth, and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentration were measured after 150 days of planting. The results showed that the percentage of AM colonization of D. polyphylla was 100%. Colonization by Glomus sp. significanly increased plant height by 18,95% and diameter by 16,16% compared to those non AMF. Combination of bacterial and AMF inoculant between JW13 dan Glomus sp. increased shoot weight by as much as 36,28% from control and increased N concentration by 69,59% compared to those of non inoculate a seedlings. Combination of JW1 and Gigaspora sp. increased P concentration by as much as 42,05% compared to those of non inoculate seedlings. Despite the difficulty of selecting  a multifunctional microbial consortia, appropriate microbial combinations can be recommended for a biotechnological input related to improvement of plant performance.

Keywords: AM fungi, biofertilizer, Dyera polyphylla, NTFP, PGPR

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Time to Borneo

danau area bekas penambangan
25 Juni 2009 menjadi perjalanan pertama saya menuju pulau Kalimantan yang memiliki nama alias sebagai Borneo. Kota pertama tempat menginjakkan kaki saya di Borneo adalah kota Banjarmasin. Merupakan kehormatan dan prestasi tersendiri untuk saya sendiri mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar dan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang sudah saya pelajari sebagai Silvikulturis di perusahaan tambang batubara terbesar kedua pada saat itu yaitu di PT. Adaro Indonesia. Tepatnya lokasi penambangan terletak di Kabupaten Balangan dan Kabupaten Tabalong Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan, berjarak lebih kurang 220 km dari kota Banjarmasin ke arah utara yang dapat ditempuh melalui jalan darat, dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 5 jam. Jika ditempuh melalui udara dengan menggunakan Pelita Air Service dapat ditempuh sekitar 45 menit dari Banjarmasin. Dan ini pula pengalaman pertama saya ikut terbang menggunakan pesawat kecil, atau pesawat perintis yang boleh jujur terasa “Ngeri” karena goncangan dan bunyi pesawat

area disposal tambang
yang sangat terasa. Selama dua bulan saya dan sahabat kampus saya disana, merasakan pengalaman baru karena dalam aplikasi ilmu kami memasuki ranah pertambangan boleh dikatakan masih perintis, sehingga apa yang kami dapatkan dan coba kami terapkan menjadi kajian yang menarik karena perspektif ilmu yang mencoba untuk dipadukan.

Banyak hal menarik yang saya dan teman saya ‘Ajeng’ lakukan selama berada di kabupaten Tanjung

mulai di kegiatan lapang, wisata kuliner makanan khas Banjarmasin, jalan-jalan mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata di Banjarmasin diantaranya pegunungan Maratus, wisata pasar apung di Banjarmasin,
melancong di pasar Batuah Martapura
dan berbelanja batu-batu permata di Martapura.

Pengalaman ini merupakan pengalaman yang berharga bagi saya dan tidak akan saya lupakan. Persahabatan dan persaudaraan dengan rekan kerja dikantor yang sampai sekarang masih terjalin

merupakan rezeki yang luar biasa. Dapat belajar ilmu lain mengenai dunia pertambangan sebagai ilmu pelengkap bagi Major ilmu saya, akan menjadi bekal tersendiri untuk saya memerikan sumbangsing pada ilmu lingkungan yang saya pelajari. Terimakasih kepada Dr. Maman Turjaman dan Bapak Agus Subandrio yang telah membuka kesempatan dan
bersama para karyawan di nursery
perijinannya untuk bisa belajar di PT. Adaro Indonesia. 

Terima kasih kepada Bapak Dr. Irdika Mansur, pembimbing kami tercinta atas arahannya selama  kerja praktek di PT. Adaro Indonesia. Segenap sahabat ,saudara kami bapak Budi, bapak Aris, mba Saras, mba Wiwi, Fanny, Ria semoga yang sudah dipertemukan ini terus tetap dijaga persaudaraanny. Dan semoga mitos orang Banjar bisa benar-benar terjadi katanya kalau sudah minum air kalimantan asli suatu saat bisa kembali lagi ke kelimantan..semoga suatu saat saya bisa berkunjung lagi kesana..:)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

STOP!!....for Deforestation and Land Degradation

Something that most crucial problem to discuss is about aims to do to reduce deforestation and save our earth. To prevent deforestation and land degradation and to rehabilitate the function of the critical land are necessary to develop a well-planned forest and land rehabilitation program. There are so many actions that we can do to save our earth. 
Firstly, it is about greening of critical land which is one of effort to rehabilitate critical land by planting trees and establishment of soil conservation to be a productive land; serve as hydrological control; to maintain and improve land carrying capacity appropriate with land function. As we know, tree has a lot of benefits. There are so many kinds of tree which is not only has benefit to reduce emission but also based on the architecture of trees can be a beautiful tree in our garden. Planting the local tree or native species means we save our resources and prevent from the extinction species.  Secondly, we should wisely to use forest product for instance, thrifty use paper, wisely use wood as a raw material for furniture, etc. Thirdly, government should make a clear rule about forest management; distinct punishment for someone who breaks the law; distinct policy to the protective area that forbidden to make an exploration. 

Sustainable forest management becomes necessary to implement in corporations that carry out forest management. It is crucial to well-known about measuring forest value. We have to calculate the limitation number of cutting trees. However, appropriate calculation prevent to over-cutting measurable. The implementation of Reduce Impact Logging (RIL) is a good policy to minimize bad effect to the surround environment. Always follow the latest news about environment issue and active in environment organization can improve our environment respect. On the other hand, it is our duties to give more information real condition that our earth is in danger to other people about environment education. An effective way of reducing damage gases is to make the public, we in this case, aware about pros and cons in this problem. Public should be encouraged to use renewable energy sources and conserve energy as much as possible. More sophisticated technologies should be developed to make a better way to generate electricity.

Meaning and Importace of Forest

 Let us try looking at the meaning and the importance of forest. The definition of forest is an area with a high density of trees. Actually, there are two kinds of forest types: temperate and boreal forest types; and tropical forest types. Between types of forest have specific character each other. Forest can also be classified more specifically related on the dominant tree species present, specific climate, and the altitude of place. Forest sometimes comprise many tree species wthin small area, or it is sometimes just few species in large areas. Forest becomes home to many animals, plant species, and microorganism. Forests take hold of vitallity in soil nutritions cycle, it shows from microorganism can be a decomposer for the biomass materials.
The benefit of forest divided into direct benefit and indirect benefit. The example of forest direct-benefit is tree. Tree has a lot of adventages to our life. Wood of the trees can be a raw material to make furniture. Leaves can be an organic fertilizer such as compos; extract of the leaf can be an oil. Branch of trees can be a fuel burning. Some fruit of the tree are edible: jackfruit, matoa, kingfruit, sapodilla, etc. The fiber of tree becomes raw material of paper and particle board. Economic interest shows that tree has a big benefit. It is about long time period and long investation.
Nowdays, we realize that a lot of tree spesies are extinction can make a high price. It is a big chance to make a competitive business for kinds of commercial timber. Forests are of vital fungtions: as habitats for organism, hydrologic flow modulator, soil conservations, ecotourism, including one of the most important aspects of the earth’s biosphere; photosynthesis process shows that tree can reduce emition gases change to be fresh air which is usefull for respiration; all of this fungtions included forest indirect-benefit. As long as human still need food, oxygen for brething, paper for writing, it means that forest still important for us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nyalakan kembali Pena yang Redup itu...

Nyalakan Kembali Pena Yang Redup Itu......

Dalam proses penciptaan bumi dan langit, bergantinya pagi ke dalam malam terdapat tanda-tanda kebesaran Tuhan. Hal ini menyiratkan bahwa sebenarnya banyak ide dalam setiap detik kehidupan yang indah untuk diabadikan. Kita bisa mengabadikannya dalam bentuk tulisan apapun. Apa yang kita tulis bisa berasal dari apa yang kita rasakan, apa yang kita lihat, kita dengar, kita cium, dan apapun itu sebagai bentuk respon terhadap sesuatu.
Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama bahwa peradaban besar yang tercipta, ada karena generasi itu mengedepankan pentingnya menulis. Peradaban Islam yang besar sampai sekarang ini karena pada awal generasinya benar-benar konsisten terhadap pentingnya sebuah penulisan.
Al Qur’an sebagai pedoman hidup kaum muslim merupakan kumpulan wahyu dari Allah yang diturunkan melalui malaikat dan disampaikan kepada nabi Muhammad kemudian dihafalkan dan dituliskan oleh sahabat nabi. Sekarang kumpulan-kumpulan wahyu Allah dapat kita gunakan sebagai pedoman dalam menjalani hidup ini. Hal ini memberikan arti bahwa di dalam agama pun menulis itu sangat dianjurkan sebagai pengikat ilmu dan pewaris ilmu bagi generasi selanjutnya.
Proses menulis ternyata dapat melatih mengembangkan kemampuan otak kanan karena melibatkan kemampuan dalam menggali ide-ide kreatif, terkait dengan seni atau gaya penulisan yang dapat menyeimbangkan kemampuan otak kita, karena sebagian besar kegiatan kita sehari-hari cenderung lebih memaksimalkan otak kiri yang berarti selalu mengedepankan logika.