Friday, July 1, 2011

Study on Trypsin Inhibitor in Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen) Trees, of Kediri, Solomon and Subang Provenances

Studi Tripsin Inhibitor Pada Pohon Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen) Provenan Kediri, Solomon dan Subang

Yauvina1 dan Ulfah Juniarti Siregar1

1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB

One species frequently used for establishment of forest plantation in Indonesia is Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen), because of fast growing habit and its timber can be used for many purposes. Monoculture sengon plantation, however, greatly suffers from stem borer, known as boktor (Xystrocera festiva Pascoe, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera), which starts attacking 3-4 years old trees. The loss caused by the pest is quite large. In an effort to control the pest it is important to plant resistant trees, which can be obtained through plant breeding activities. For this purpose it is necessary to study the presence of an antagonistic substance, such as Trypsin inhibitors on every part of the tree. The purpose of this study is to determine: 1) different activity level of trypsin inhibitors from the three provenances of Kediri, Solomon, and Subang, 2) different activity level of trypsin inhibitors in the bark and stem from the three provenances, 3) different activity level of trypsin inhibitors on healthy trees compared to heavily infestated by boktor 4). Different trypsin inhibitor activity as tested using synthetic and natural enzymes from the digestive gut of boktor larvae.
The object of this research is sengon tree from provenances of Kediri, Solomon, and Subang, consisted of stem and bark, which are made into powder. Two types of tree were selected, i.e. healthy and severely attacked trees. Observation of trypsin inhibitor activity was carried out using the synthetic substrate benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilid (BAPNA), a trypsin synthetic enzyme (SIGMA 3.5 U / mg) and natural enzymes from the digestive tract of boktor larvae, size 1.5 cm. Data were analyzed in a Complete Randomized Factorial Design (CRFD) with three factors, i.e. provenances, conditions of the tree, and tree tissues, using SPSS 18.0 software.
Analysis of variance showed that provenance factors did not significantly affect the activity of trypsin inhibitors. Different tissues and tree conditions, however, have highly significant influence on the activity of trypsin inhibitor when tested using synthetic enzymes. Trees with healthy condition has higher trypsin inhibitor activity than severely attacked trees. Meanwhile the bark has higher trypsin inhibitor activity than the stem.
Results of analysis of variance using natural enzymes showed that the provenance and condition of the trees had no significant effect. The results also showed that trypsin inhibitor activity, when tested using the synthetic enzyme, is greater compared to that of natural enzymes from the digestive tract of boktor larvae.

Keywords : Enzim trypsin, inhibitor

Screening of Lignoselulolitic Fungi Origin from Tropical Forest of Indonesia

Skrining Jamur Lignoselulolitik Asal
 Hutan Tropika Indonesia
Fajar Harisma1, Cecep Kusmana1, Irnayuli R. Sitepu2

1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB
2Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Hutan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (P3HKA)

Lignoselulose is a main component of  plant, which is selulose, hemiselulose, lignin and other extractif substance. One of biomass lignoselulose benefit is bioethanol production. Bioethanol is an alcohol compound that achieve from biomass fermentation process with microorganism assist. One of microorganism that can use for ethanol production is fungi. This research aim to studying morfology of fungi that origin from tropical forest of Indonesia, studying the most potential fungi in degradated  lignin and selulose at manure media and determine the most potential fungi in degradated selulose at Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC). This research divide in several stages, that is a first stage is prepare 40 fungi isolate at Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media, second stage is selected fungi at manure media, third stage is selected fungi at CMC media as in vitro. Based from research, it result four fungi isolate  that potential to degradated selulose at manure substrate media, that is fungi isolat FORDA CC-467, FORDA CC-468, FORDA CC-469, and FORDA CC-470. From lignin analyse result 11 isolate that potential to degradated lignin and manure substrate, that is FORDA CC-474, FORDA CC-475, FORDA CC-476, FORDA CC-477, FORDA CC-478, FORDA CC-479, FORDA CC-480, FORDA CC-481, FORDA CC-482, FORDA CC-483, and FORDA CC-484. AT CMC media, 33 isolate can degradated selulose that showed with transparent zone creation. From 33 isolate result seven isolate that have distance between micelia and transparent zone, it shows that fungi isolate is the most optimal isolate in created selulase enzim.

Kata kunci: biomassa, CMC, jamur, lignoselulolitik, skrining.

Utilization of Coconut Water for Increasing the Growth of Shoot Cutting of Meranti Tembaga (Shorea leprosula Miq.)

Pemanfaatan Air Kelapa untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Stek Pucuk Meranti Tembaga (Shorea leprosula Miq.)

Edje Djamhuri

Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB


Coconut water contains gibberelin,  cytokinin and auxin which have potential to stimulate the growth of cuttings.  The objective of this research was learning the effect of application of coconut water,  IBA and NAA on the growth of shoot cuttings of meranti tembaga (Shorea leprosula).  This research was conducted in nursery of Division of  Silviculture, Department of Silviculture,  Faculty of Forestry,  Bogor Agriculture University, for 4 month.  The research used Completely Randomized Design,  comprising 4 treatment, namely control, application of coconut water, IBA of 100 ppm, and NAA of 100 ppm, with three replication, and each replication consisted of 20 shoot cuttings.  Growth parameters of shoot cuttings comprised percentage of survival, percentage of shoot growth, percentage of rooting, and dry weight of roots.  Research result showed that application of coconut water, equivalent with IBA of 100 ppm and NAA of 100 ppm could increase the growth of meranti tembaga (Shorea leprosula) shoot cutting.  Coconut water could be used to stimulate the growth of meranti tembaga shoot cutting as a substitute for IBA of 100 ppm or NAA of 100 ppm.

Key word : Coconut water, IBA, NAA, shoot cutting,Shorea leprosula.

The Growth of Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula Miq) with Selective Cutting and Line Planting of Silvicultural System at the Forest Concessionaire PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma, Central Kalimantan

Pertumbuhan Meranti Merah (Shorea leprosula Miq) Dalam Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur (Studi Kasus di Areal IUPHHK-HA
PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma, Kalimantan Tengah)

1*Prijanto Pamoengkas,  2Juniar Prayogi

1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB,2Alumni Departemen Silvikultur Kehutanan IPB


Contribution of forest for development of this nation can not be regarded as small, so that the forests must be managed and used optimally and well  preserved. As an effort to preserve and enhance timber production, PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma (PT. SBK) as one of the holders of Forest Concessionaire (IUPHHK-HA), have been applied Selective Cutting and Line Planting (TPTJ) silvicultural system in it’s management of natural forest production since 1999. Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula) is one of the flagship species which are selected in TPTJ because it better growth than other Meranti species. However, the growth of S. leprosula in line planting  excessively unknown yet. This research aimed to know the diameter growth of S. leprosula 5 - 9 in TPTJ silvicultural system. Research conducted in Mei 2009  in PT. SBK’s areas. Data of diameter growth collected through observation of the 100 m x 100 m sampling plots (1 ha). Plot samples were taken in each age planting which are purposively selected based on the age of 5 to 9 years old of planting, where in each of the plot samples there are five lines of planting. Analysis of research data including diameter stand structure, data normality test, Mean Annual Increment (MAI), and curve of diameter growth. Diameter growth of of S. leprosula which planted in line generally spreading normally, where the most frequency of individual tree is in the diameter class that represents the mean (average) of the stand diameter, and show sigmoid shape curve of the diameter growth. The average increment (MAI) of S. leprosula were highest at the age of seven year plantation i.e to 2.31 cm / year and the lowest at the age of five year plantation i.e 1.45 cm / year. The largest diameter found at the age of nine years after planting i.e 28.5 cm (average 19.7 cm).

Key words: diameter, growth, increment, production of natural forest, TPTJ  silvicultural system, S.leprosula.

Potentials of Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas) as Green Belt based on the Rate of its Litter Decomposition

Potensi Jarak Pagar (Jathropa curcas) Sebagai Sekat Bakar
Ditinjau Dari Kecepatan Dekomposisi

1Lailan S., 1Nurhaeni W.,2 Khairia N.

1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, 2Alumni Departemen Silvikultur Kehutanan IPB


Previous study found thar Jarak pagar  has potency for fuel break in forest fire control. There are some requirements for vegetation to be fuel break. One of the requirement as fuel break is decomposition race in which the higher decomposition rate may be suitable for fuel break in order to prevent surface fuel accumulation. A study was conducted to analyze decomposition rate of Jarak pagar in the field. Some sample plots were established in forest plantation area of Gunung Hambalang Bogor managed by Perhutani under agroforestry system. The study revealed that Jarak Pagar in the study area has higher decomposition rate when compared to other tree species. Therefore, Jarak Pagar meet the requirement for fuel break from decomposition rate point of view.
Key words: green belt, Jatropha curcas Linn, Swietenia macrophylla Kinf, titter’s decomposition rate

Damage Of Merawan Tree (Hopea odorata Roxb.) By Stem Borer Insect In Ipb Campus Darmaga Bogor

Kerusakan Pohon Merawan (Hopea Odorata Roxb.)
Oleh Serangga Penggerek Batang Di Kampus Ipb Darmaga Bogor

1*Noor Farikhah Haneda, 1Endang Ahmad Husaeni, 2Mulya Furqan

1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB,2Alumni Departemen Silvikultur Kehutanan IPB


H. odorata plants located in the south of Sylva Pertamina Auditorium at the Faculty of Forestry IPB Darmaga suffered a heavy attack by stem borer. The existence of these attacks resulted in defoliation of trees and one of them was death. The insect species attacking the H. odorata is not identified. In addition, the form and severity of damage is still to be studied.
This study was conducted to observe the form of damage to the stems and stands of trees H. odorata. The number of boring hole was counted, according to the height of the tree above the ground. The length of boring tunnels was also measured and the pattern was also observed.
The stem borer founded belong to the order Coleoptera, they  are Xyleborus perforans (Scolytidae), Xyleborinus perexiguus (Scolytidae), Platypus parallelus (Platypodidae), Belionota prasina (Buprestidae), Curculionidae beetle and Tenebrionidae beetle. The number of boring holes was 1932 holes with an average of 188 holes per meter of the stem. The tunnels length at a cross section ranging from 2 - 35 cm and 4 - 6 cm at longitudinal section. The number of boring hole decrease with increasing tree height. 98,6% of tunnels are founded caused by the ambrosia beetles are X. perexiguus (457 holes; 23,7%), X. perforans (1426 holes; 73,8%), P. parallelus (21 holes; 1,1%). The rest is caused by the Curculionidae beetle (25 holes; 1,3%) and Tenebrionidae beetle (3 holes; 0,1%). Tunnels on a cross section are ramification tunnels (X. perforans; P. parallelus), there is also around the stem (X. perforans), and several tunnels have black spots along its walls (X. perexiguus; X. perforans; P. parallelus).
Keywords: stem borer, Coleoptera, H. Odorata

The Potency of Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn) as a Fuel Break Based on Canopy Condition

Efektivitas Jarak Pagar (Jathropa curcas) Sebagai Sekat Bakar
 Ditinjau Dari Kondisi Tajuk

1Lailan S., 1Nurhaeni W.,2 Yuli S.

1Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB, 2Alumni Departemen Silvikultur Kehutanan IPB


It is assumed that Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn) has potency for fuel break in forest fire control.  However, it needs to be evaluated in effectiveness of the function.  One of the requirement as fuel break is crown condition in which the plant crown need to have good performance in covering the area to prevent fire spread. A study was conducted to analyze whether Jarak pagar meets the requirement for fuel break or not.  Some sample plots were established in forest plantation area of Gunung Hambalang, Bogor managed by Perhutani.  The study resulted that Jarak pagar in the study area does not meet the requirement for fuel break of which a good performance of crown is not shown.  It seems that soil characteristics influenced the result.
Keywords: Fuel break, Jatropa curcas